65 gallon tank
Argonite substrate
Dual T5 HO light
Canister filter
And why is it so important to do your research before purchasing anything for the new tank? Well the employees at the local fish store often have a lack of knowledge, conflicted interest (commission based sales) or plain don't care. It's not their tank, they don't necessarily care if your fish do well. It may even lead to more sales for them. Simply put, I am no longer using the Hydrometer, the Canister filter, or the T5 HO light. I never even installed the Canister filter, it is brand new. If you want to buy it feel free to contact me. Sadly, I did not have the box to return it. Luckily I did some research before I decided to put water in the tank and realized a canister filter is a huge nitrate factory for a reef tank if not maintained to a very meticulous level. The Dual T5HO light is a good light for a fish only tank but in a reef tank where the organisms are photo-synthetic it really means that you can't grow very many types of coral with much success. I still use this light while performing water changes because it is small enough to light the tank without getting in the way. I must emphasize the importance of accurately measuring your specific gravity. I assumed the swing arm hydrometer was doing just fine. I knew it was not as accurate as a saline refractometer, but I did not realize that it could be way far off the mark of a well calibrated refractometer. That means the only items I actually need from the original purchase are the substrate and the tank itself. Even the substrate is up for debate. Many reef enthusiasts swear by a bare bottom tank (No Substrate). The jury is still out for me. I like the look of a little crushed coral or sand. Time will tell if I decide to keep it.
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